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Musicians That Play For Various Bands


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Troy Hogrefe Pic
Name: Troy Hogrefe
Resides At:  Storm Lake, Iowa
Musical Instraments Played:
List Of Bands Played With:
Malek's Fishermen Band, Wayne Ripke Band, & Peter Paul Wendinger Band

Troy Hogrefe lives in Storm Lake, Iowa. He learned how to play the drums in the 5th grade. He played the drums throughout his high school years and has been playing ever since.

Troy credits his musical back ground from his musically inclined family, starting with his grandparents, relatives, & father. Troy also credits his music from his high school band director, Marty Crandell, a band director from the Storm Lake High School. Most of Troy's music is played by ear.

Music is not Troy's full time career. He works at his father's livestock supply business in Storm Lake. Troy is also a volunteer fireman and is also a husband and a proud father of 4 children.

Troy enjoys listening, playing, & dancing to all styles of music except alternative style music. He enjoys meeting and talking to people at dances he plays.

The information provided for this story was done in compliance with
Troy Hogrefe and he is resposible for it's contents.

Web Meister : Tim Westemeyer