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Musicians That Play For Various Bands


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Terry Ard Pic
Name: Terry Ard
Resides At:  Mount Vernon, Iowa
Musical Instraments Played:
Flute, Piccolo, Classical Guitar, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Tenor Banjo, 5-String Banjo, Trumpet, & Baritone 

List Of Bands Played With:
Eddy Ulch and the Jolly Bohemians, Czech Artists, Karl and the Country Dutchmen, & Barefoot Becky and the Ivanhoe Dutchmen

Terry Ard travels to many venues playing old time music with Becky & The Ivanhoe Dutchmen Band. Terry is from Mount Vernon, Iowa. He started his musical career in 1966. Terry played the flute, guitar, and electric bass thru high school and college, but he did not study music in college. Terry also played for various bands, orchestras, jazz and country bands thru school. 

In the earlier years Terry studied the flute under Joan Chadima. Joan Chadima was also one of Terry’s mentors along with Max Northrup & Frank Kleasner. Music is Terry’s full time career and it keeps him moving around the 5 state areas. He also plays in Texas & Arizona in the winter months.

Terry plays music by reading sheet, by ear, and also by memorization. He can play the flute, guitar, trumpet, & baritone very well. Terry enjoys meeting and greeting people along the way.

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Terry Ard and he is resposible for it's contents.

Web Meister : Tim Westemeyer