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Musicians That Play For Various Bands


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Dale Baker Pic
Name: Dale Baker
Resides At: Carrol, Iowa
Musical Instraments Played:
List Of Bands Played With:
Bruce Bradley, The Wendingers, Elmer Scheid, Malek's Fishermen, Little Joe's Dance Band, Main Street Music Era's, Wayne Ripke, & Becky's Ivanhoe Dutchmen.

Dale Baker started off in 1959 listening to old time records and teaching himself the beat of the music. Dale started to play the drums listening to this music. Dale continued playing music over the years. He plays only by ear. Soon Dale was playing in his dad’s band, The Lynnel Baker Orchestra. Dales father, Lynnel, was also Dale’s mentor in music.

Dale was in the body shop occupation for 38 years and now plays full time music for Becky and the Ivanhoe Dutchmen. He enjoys meeting new people and playing drums. He also enjoys working on old cars and restoring them.

The information provided for this story was done in compliance with
Dale Baker and he is resposible for it's contents.

Web Meister : Tim Westemeyer