
Fountian Of Youth

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Meet Marvin & Verna Livermore

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Livermore2 Pic Marvin and Verna Livermore are from Mount Vernon, Iowa, just east of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. They have been married for 50 years and together they enjoy dancing and listening to polka music.
Marvin, now 80 years young, enjoys a mix of old time and polka music. Verna is 72 and loves the Hoolerie style music. They both enjoy the music of Barefoot Becky and The Ivanhoe Dutchmen. Becky is Marvin and Verna's daughter and attended many dances with them when she was young. Verna tells me that Becky's dream was to play music in a polka band.

Verna started to dance at the young age of 3 - 4 years of age. She said her parents used to take her to a lot of dances with them.
She then went on and met Marvin and they have been dancing ever since.   Verna says she comes from 100% German heritage. Marvin on the other hand is German, British, Czech, & Native American. They both enjoy listening to polka & waltz music of all heritages.

Verna said they travel sometime 2 to 3 times a week or less to attend a dance. The longest drive was in northern Minnesota. When asked what their favorite style of music was, Verna told me "Becky style". They sure enjoy Barefoot Becky's music.

They both said that polka & waltz music is very good for you and it keeps you in good shape. When asked about getting the younger generation involved with this style of music Marvin said, " Heck, you can't even get them to church let alone get them to polka dance".

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This Interview was done in compliance with
Marvin & Verna Livermore on April 25, 2012 at
the Meskwaki Casino dance in Tama, Iowa.

Webmister:Tim Westemeyer